Thursday 12 July 2012

Thursday Retreat - Return of Christ

Yesterday was the big Bus Tour from Winnipeg.  The visitors got off the bus and were cranky.  They came into the hot Brandon Armoury (we have had constant heat for the last couple of  weeks) and were cranky.   We introduced ourselves,  sat down for lunch,  said Grace,  and ate.  After eating and
getting re-freshed,  they were no longer cranky.    
Isn't that amazing the way the simple act of drinking water or eating food after extreme heat boosts our physical body and our soul?

Amazing!  Just think of this same boost to our soul and attitudes if we drank in the Word of God each day!

Thursday Retreat.....
Prayer:    God of time and space,  we give You thanks today that You are with us as we go throughout our days.   We give You thanks today that You are with us in everything that we do.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read St. Matthew 24: 36 – 51

From an owner of a house and a thief to a faithful servant and a wise master,  there is the theme of the future here.    While we do not know what the future will bring,  as Christians we are given tasks to carry out. 

The most important verse in this portion of scripture is verse 42… “keep watch, because you do not know on what day Your Lord will come.”   Keep watch and keep the faith.  

We must always be ready for the return of Christ.  And why?  Because until the time Christ returns,  we are Christ’s hands and feet in this world.  This is an amazing responsibility that Christ has given to us but it is a responsibility that we must do.

Read through this scripture again,  jotting down any words,  phrases,  or thoughts that have leapt out as you listen for the voice of God to  speak to your heart.   Ask yourself  how is the Lord revealing Himself to you?
Quietly reflect on the words and phrases the Holy Spirit is emphasizing in your heart.     
Capture all you have meditated on and bring it as a prayer before God. Let your heart cry out with praise, confession, gratitude, sorrow, or comfort.

End your prayer time with this prayer……   Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  let Your healing flow down upon me.   Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  let Your healing spring up within me.  Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  Let Your healing love enfold me.  Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  let Your healing power flow through me.    Amen

Many blessings!

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